Automakers Loving Obama Again


This is a bit of a turn around, isn’t it.

Just a short while ago, automakers were up in arms with the new, more stringent fuel efficiency standards that were going to come into play in 2016. Some thought they were too short on time to develop the technology necessary to meet the new standards, while others even asked to be exempted from the new standards.

However, with newly announced mileage requirements for light trucks and vehicles running through 2018 to 2025, automakers are breathing a sigh of relief as the pressure is relieved slightly with the extension. On top of it all, the new standards will be national which means manufacturers won’t need to abide by different state laws. For instance, California has the strictest emission laws in Amurrica and they have long been a thorn in the side of automakers.

This is an interesting move. Something definitely needs to be done with how much gas our cars use, but time is rapidly running out for a solution, especially considering how much oil is being lost as you read this post from the leak of the States shoreline. Is it better to force automakers into coming up with fuel efficient cars in a short period of time and risking unforeseen problems because they were rushed? Or is it better to give them time to develop good technology while we suck up more and more of the earth’s non-renewable resources?

What do you think?

[Autoblog Green]

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