Subaru Wants Car Safety Tests For Pets

There are certain companies that take safety that extra mile further. Subaru is definitely one of them and to prove it, they are lobbying to have crash tests performed to see how safe vehicles are for our pets.

They’ve teamed up with Center for Pet Safety to make sure the 0.5 in the 2.5 kids is also safe during a crash.

There are plenty of products already on the market designed to keep our four legged friends safe, however there are not mandatory tests made to see if they actually work. Subaru wants to change that.

“The Center for Pet Safety conducted a pilot study which showed that the majority of pet safety restraints currently on the market do not provide acceptable protection in a crash situation,” said Michael McHale, director of corporate communications for Subaru. “As many of our owners have dogs, we feel it’s our responsibility to help them keep their pets as safe as possible when they journey with us.”

Not providing acceptable crash protection is a massive understatement. The Center for Pet Safety showed  “a 100 percent failure rate. None of the harnesses were deemed safe enough to protect both the dog and the humans in the event of an accident .”

This is worrying news, however it’s good to know Subaru and the Center for Pet Safety is on the case.

The Center is hoping to develop safety standards (with funding from Subaru) to make sure manufacturers improve on their product and strive to be the safest they can be.

In the meantime, you can check the Center’s website to see the results of some of their crash tests conducted at around 50 km/h.


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